Trademark search so far
Do you have any problems?

Investigate by the
person in charge
Self type

It is good for screening in the initial stage, but it is not possible to search and decision the similar range.

general trademark
Agent type

I want the opinion of the local attorney, but it is expensive and time consuming.

such troubles
GMO brand security will solve

Opinions of local lawyers can be obtained in a short delivery time and at a low cost.
We have prepared our own new search service "GMO Trademark Quick Search".


Recommended for those in
charge of such companies

I want to check the presence or absence of identifiability in a short period of time.

            I want to check the presence or absence of identifiability in a short period of time.

I want to research major overseas countries in one week

            I want to research major overseas countries in one week

I want to save the in-house man-hours and deploy the survey results directly to the business department.

I want to save the in-house man-hours and deploy the survey results directly to the business department.

I have no experience in overseas trademark searches, and I am worried

            I have no experience in overseas trademark searches, and I am worried

I want to check if my brand can be used overseas

            I want to check if my brand can be used overseas


Features of GMO Trademark
Quick Search

01 Quick delivery

As a general rule, we deliver within 5 business days.
In a short period of time, we will provide the results of similarity judgments and distinctiveness judgments by local lawyers.

02 low price

Although it is a short delivery time, there is no urgent or express charge.
In addition, half the fee compared to regular overseas surveys*We provide services in.

*Compared with our regular search

03 Concise and complete report

We report the evaluations by lawyers in each country in tabular format. It is a report with high listability and can be deployed to related parties in the company as it is. We will also include a report from a local attorney.

[Evaluation Item] Identifiability / Registration and Availability / Negative Connotation

Differences from regular overseas searches

Accuracy is the same as regular searches. Lawyers in each country to whom we have entrusted "regular searches" will evaluate the results of searches using the same methods as regular searches, using the same evaluation criteria.
We have simplified the report format to the minimum required items required by the client, and in addition, we have achieved short delivery times and low fees through the cooperation of attorneys in each country.

Please feel free to contact us first. Inquiry

Trademark search service
Unique Strengths of GMO BRAND SECURITY

3 services to choose from

3 services to choose from

Generally, there is only one type of trademark search, but at our company, you can choose from three types of services, "Screening," "GMO Trademark Quick Search," and "Regular Search," according to the aspects and needs of trademark adoption.

Low price and short delivery time

Low price and short delivery time

Since we handle a huge number of cases such as investigations and applications every year, we have built a relationship of trust between our company and local lawyers, so we can provide high-quality investigations quickly. In addition, countries with a large number of requests can be surveyed at a particularly low cost.

Worldwide Trademark Support

Worldwide Trademark Support

Many of our customers are companies with global brands.For this reason, we often search and apply for one brand all over the world, so we have already built an "overseas lawyer network" within our company.

We have prepared 3 trademark search services, including quick searches, to suit the circumstances and needs of the trademark adoption.


Early stage of study: Narrowing down stage


This service focuses on finding identical trademarks in order to meet the early stage of considering trademark adoption and to quickly identify candidates that are difficult to adopt from a large number of candidates. We will deliver within 3 business days.

Full-scale survey: Delivery date priority

GMO Trademark quick search

This is a full-fledged similar trademark search. By devising and simplifying the reporting format from the local lawyer to our company to the customer, we have achieved short delivery times (5 business days in principle) and low fees. We also provide reports obtained from local attorneys. 28 countries covered.

Full-scale research: focus on analysis

regular search

A full-fledged similar trademark search covering the whole world, we will deliver a more detailed report with a local attorney's report attached in about 10 business days. We also handle US common law searches and support the final process of trademark adoption. *

*Both the GMO trademark quick search and regular search are used to determine distinctiveness and check for negative connotation at the same time.

Comparison table


Target trademark
letters only
Target country
39 countries
3 business days
Search target
same trademark only
Local Lawyer Report

GMOTrademark quick search

Target trademark
letters and figures *1
Target country
28 countries *1
5 business days *2
Search target
Identical and similar trademarks
Local Lawyer Report

(summary report)

regular search

Target trademark
letters and figures
Target country
the whole world
10 business days
Search target
Identical and similar trademarks
Local Lawyer Report



(Character and graphical support) China, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, India, UK, Spain, Turkey

(Character only) Australia, New Zealand, Benelux, Germany, Italy, France, Nigeria, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico


For the United States, delivery will be in 7 business days for common law searches.
For Macau, delivery will be in 8 business days.

With GMO BRAND SECURITY, up to application after investigation firm support


Comprehensive right acquisition from research to application/registration


Analysis and consideration of the scope of application according to the country in which business is conducted


including acquisition of intellectual property rights and countermeasures against counterfeits
Brand development and protection activities

Please feel free to contact us first. Inquiry

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