Trademark Services

Trademarks are indispensable for businesses looking to expand their footprint. However, the role of corporate professionals extends beyond merely obtaining trademarks. It involves crafting and executing a strategic trademark approach based on medium-term business plans and competitive trends. Our firm goes beyond providing basic trademark rights information by integrating economic and digital insights, thus significantly enhancing the efficacy of your trademark strategy.

Trademark Strategy and Application Support

Executing trademark applications is not just about aligning with business expansion—it requires a strategic approach that considers existing and potential future market dynamics. Our services include comprehensive prior trademark searches, advising on trademark styles, selection of filing countries, and designated goods or services. We are committed to transforming the trademark registration process from a mere procedural task to a strategic asset that enhances brand protection and efficiency. We offer global trademark application support in a seamless, one-stop solution.

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Management Tools

Utilize our Brand Portfolio Management Service, "BRANTECT byGMO," to efficiently manage and visualize your trademark portfolio. This tool not only supports the creation of trademark matrices and mapping but also facilitates strategic reporting to management and application strategy development. By harnessing cloud technology, we provide adaptable outsourcing solutions that streamline trademark management, reduce risks, and enhance operational efficiency.

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Monitoring and Infringement Response/Consulting

When third parties file for or register trademarks related to your brand, reclaiming these can be arduous, costly, and time-consuming. To facilitate seamless business operations, robust brand monitoring is essential. Our services extend to strategic brand management from a trademark perspective, offering consulting services that include naming strategies and competitive analysis. Our approach ensures that your brand remains protected and strategically positioned in a competitive market.

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