GMO BRAND SECURITY and Toppan Printing Start Collaboration to Provide Services for Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

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April 21, 2023

GMO BRAND SECURITY and Toppan Printing Start Collaboration to Provide Services for Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

Providing Comprehensive Anti-Counterfeiting Measures from Online to Offline

GMO BRAND SECURITY Inc. (President and CEO: Mitsuaki Nakagawa, hereinafter GMO BRAND SECURITY), which provides brand SECURITY services under the GMO Internet Group, and Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, President: Hideharu Maro, hereinafter Toppan Printing), will start collaborating on anti-counterfeiting measures for brands and products from April 2023. Through this collaboration, GMO BRAND SECURITY’s web brand SECURITY services, which address brand infringements such as counterfeit products sold online, and Toppan Printing’s services aimed at protecting product brands, such as holograms and cloud-based authenticity verification services, will begin integration. This aims to provide comprehensive anti-counterfeiting measures for brands and products, from online monitoring to physical countermeasures post-distribution.

[Background of Collaboration]

The distribution of intellectual property-infringing goods, including counterfeit and fake products, continues to expand globally, reaching an estimated $4.68 trillion (about ¥515 trillion). (※1) In recent years, dealing with the distribution of counterfeit and fake products via the Internet has become a serious issue for companies. Therefore, to protect sales and brand value, comprehensive brand protection measures, including both offline physical countermeasures and online anti-counterfeiting measures, are necessary.

By combining the services and expertise of GMO BRAND SECURITY and Toppan Printing, we will provide comprehensive anti-counterfeiting measures that cover both online and offline brand protection.

(※1) Ministry of Finance's PR magazine "Finance" May 2020 issue "Feature: The Negative Impact on the World Economy to Reach ¥515 Trillion in 2024 - Customs Efforts to Stop Intellectual Property Infringing Goods at the Border" (

[Overview of Collaboration]

■ Establishing a Comprehensive Anti-Counterfeiting Service System and Promoting the Development of New Services

GMO BRAND SECURITY visualizes threats and risks to brands and offers services for trademark and domain name acquisition and management support, web monitoring, and infringement countermeasures for brand protection. As part of web brand SECURITY, it also provides the "Brand Monitoring Service" focused on monitoring and countermeasures for counterfeit products.

Toppan Printing, utilizing itslong-cultivated manufacturing technology, offers various holograms and the "ID-NEX® Authenticity Verification Service" (※2), which adds counterfeit prevention and authenticity verification functions to the product itself.

By integrating these services, both companies will build a comprehensive anti-counterfeiting service system covering online to offline measures.

Additionally, by combining data obtained from both companies' services, we aim to comprehensively visualize the occurrence of counterfeit products from online to offline, estimate the scale of damage, and develop services that contribute to countermeasures.

(※2) "ID-NEX®" introduction site (

■ Future Prospects

From April 2023, GMO BRAND SECURITY and Toppan Printing will collaborate to provide comprehensive anti-counterfeiting services. Moving forward, through co-hosting seminars on anti-counterfeiting measures for knowledge sharing and awareness activities, as well as developing and providing new anti-counterfeiting services, we will contribute to the realization of a safe and secure society for both sellers and buyers of products.

About Toppan Printing (URL:

Toppan, based on "Printing Technology," conducts a wide range of business activities across three sectors: "Information & Communication Business," "Living & Industry Business," and "Electronics Business."


GMO BRAND SECURITY, under the slogan "SECURITY for All Brands," provides brand SECURITY services focusing on online rights protection measures such as acquiring and managing domain names, monitoring and recovering misused domains, supporting Japanese companies expanding overseas with overseas trademark registration and management, investigating counterfeit products listed on overseas EC malls, and proposing measures to prevent recurrence.

Service Inquiries Contact Information

● GMO BRAND SECURITY Inc. Sales Department

TEL: 03-5784-1069 E-mail: [email protected]
Press Inquiries Contact Information


Marketing & Service Strategy Department, Akasaka
TEL: 03-5784-1069
E-mail: [email protected]

● GMO Internet Inc.

Group Communication Department, Public Relations, Aoyagi
TEL: 03-5456-2695
E-mail: [email protected]


Company Name



Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


President and CEO Mitsuaki Nakagawa

Business Content

■ Domain Registrar Business■ Trademark and Brand Building Protection Consulting Business
■ Intellectual Property Protection Solutions Business


100 million yen

GMO Internet Group Inc. (URL:

Company Name

GMO Internet Group Inc. (Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, SECURITY Code: 9449)


Cerulean Tower, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo


Group Representative and CEO Masatoshi Kumagai

Business Content

■ Internet Infrastructure Business
■ Internet Advertising and Media Business
■ Internet Financial Business■ Cryptocurrency Business


5 billion yen

(C)2023 GMO BRAND SECURITY Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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