• No. 1 in speed of trademark procedures
  • No. 1 domestic market share for branded TLDs
  • No. 1 in number of NFT domain overrides

※1 Based on our results from the Top 30 Best Japan Brands 2022 Rankings ※3 According to ICANN research (November 2021)  ※2 ※4 Based on our own research

  • 花王株式会社 北越コーポレーション株式会社
  • 東レ株式会社 エバラ食品工業株式会社
  • サントリーホールディングス株式会社 プレミアアンチエイジング株式会社
  • 株式会社ブリヂストン 株式会社松屋フーズホールディングス
  • いすゞ自動車株式会社 TSIホールディングス
  • 株式会社ファミリーマート 株式会社エポック社
  • シャープ株式会社 理想科学工業株式会社
  • 凸版印刷株式会社 株式会社ウテナ
  • キリンホールディングス株式会社 株式会社東京精密
  • 株式会社ワコールホールディングス 株式会社バスクリン
  • ゴディバ ジャパン株式会社 株式会社円谷プロダクション
  • 株式会社エービーシー・マート 株式会社オーディオテクニカ
  • 株式会社𠮷野家ホールディングス 株式会社グロービス
  • 株式会社リコー 株式会社マルエツ
  • MICHIKO LONDON ピジョン株式会社
  • カゴメ株式会社 アマノ株式会社
  • キッコーマン株式会社 イオン株式会社
  • セイコーエプソン株式会社 ジーエルサイエンス株式会社
  • オリックス株式会社 株式会社デンソー
  • 株式会社ニトリ 株式会社パン・パシフィック・インターナショナルホールディングス
  • マクセル株式会社 サイボウズ株式会社

Security for all Brands!

In corporate management, the "brand" is recognized as the fifth essential resource.

With the rapid development of the internet, customer touchpoints, including social media, have become more diverse and complex. Building trust through your brand has never been more crucial. Cultivating a trusted brand not only fosters customer loyalty but also enables pricing premiums and a competitive edge, ultimately leading to stable revenue. Therefore, enhancing brand power is a top priority in management strategy.

However, brands face numerous threats, ranging from external dangers like brand free-riding, counterfeit sales, and fake sites to internal risks such as loss of brand rights and inadequate guidelines. Neglecting these threats can diminish brand loyalty, ultimately impacting sales and stock prices. Identifying and strategizing against these risks to build a foundation of customer trust is vital for effective brand management.

Brand Threat Monitoring. Brand threats can be categorized into internal threats (such as information leaks, compliance violations, lack of governance, and exposure to rights infringement claims) and external threats (including domain hijacking, drop catching, trademark infringement, bad faith trademark filings, social media backlash, fake news, impersonation, phishing scams, free-riding, and counterfeiting).

GMO BRAND SECURITY is dedicated to keeping your brand safe and secure by understanding your brand and business and consistently delivering the most optimal solutions.

GMO BRAND SECURITY Business Overview

Ensuring Brand Safety and Security. To keep your brand safe and secure, we follow a structured, continuous process using the PDCA cycle: [1] Assessing and analyzing the current situation, [2] Formulating strategies, [3] Securing rights and addressing infringements, and [4] Ongoing maintenance and management through the PDCA cycle.

To maintain a brand in a safe and secure state, it is essential to first understand and analyze the current status of brand assets and visualize threats and risks. Based on these findings, we formulate an actionable plan and solidify the foundation for branding through the acquisition and management of intellectual property rights. We also monitor external threats to the brand. Given that the brand environment changes daily, it is necessary to continuously implement these measures through a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle.

Business Overview

Brand Security

We provide robust monitoring and enforcement support for brand infringements across websites, marketplaces, social media platforms, and domain names. Our brand security services extend to infringement monitoring, enforcement support, and emerging areas like NFTs and Web 3.0 technologies.

See details

Domain Name Services

We offer comprehensive global domain name services, including registration assistance, management support, monitoring of fraudulent domains, takedown services, and guideline development. Our services extend to domain research, acquisition, and management, SSL certification and management, provision of managed DNS, development of guidelines, and training programs.

See details

Trademark Services

Our suite of global trademark services includes procedural management, support for trademark registrations, preliminary trademark similarity research, monitoring, and anticounterfeiting measures. We also provide IP landscaping, such as competitive analysis, support for preliminary trademark similarity research, applications/registrations, renewals, and ongoing trademark monitoring.

See details

Brand TLDs

We handle registration and operational support for Brand TLDs, integrate them into branding strategies, and offer brand strategy consulting. Our services include application and operational support for Brand TLDs, utilization support (including migration from legacy TLDs, monthly reporting), guideline development, and training programs.

See details

IPv4 Services

We assist with IPv4 transactions, offering brokerage services, and facilitate transfer procedures, including support for buying and selling IPv4 addresses and international transfers.

See details


GMO Spoofing ZERO

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