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Security for All Brands

Photo: Mitsuaki Nakagawa

In 2004, at the time of our founding, Web 2.0 was just beginning. Companies were starting to sell products on e-commerce sites, and blogs were at their peak. With the widespread adoption of the internet, corporate activities rapidly globalized, allowing information to easily reach every corner of the world.

Amid these changes, many companies were not sufficiently acquiring intellectual property rights such as trademarks and domain names. Embracing the slogan "Supporting Brands with Rights," our company has supported over 1,500 clients.

Since 2010, the internet has grown into an essential social infrastructure, with new services like social media and cloud services emerging, leading to further environmental changes. Specifically, the threats of brand infringement, such as phishing scams impersonating brands, identity theft, counterfeit sales, and free-riding, have accelerated and diversified.

To address these threats and risks, our challenge as GMO BRAND SECURITY began with a mission to maintain a "safe" and "secure" brand environment, expanding our focus beyond merely brand protection through intellectual property rights.

The world of the internet is expected to change and become even more complex with the advent of AI, blockchain, and Web 3.0. Consequently, brand security methods will also require further evolution and technological advancement.

As a "professional group in brand security," we are fully committed to keeping brand assets on the internet safe, enhancing corporate brand value, and contributing to the healthy development of socio-economic activities. We look forward to your continued support and patronage.

Representative director and president
Mitsuaki Nakagawa

Our 3 Commitments at GMO BRAND SECURITY


As the premier brand security company, we are committed to ensuring the “peace of mind” and “safety” of our society.


We relentlessly pursue excellence in brand security and continuously strive for innovative solutions to achieve our goals.


We proactively identify and manage threats and risks, providing comprehensive solutions to protect and elevate your brand.

GMO Spoofing ZERO

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